I am psychiatrist and the other day I encountered a case which sent a chill down spine. Sometimes ago a new family moved in my neighborhood; a couple in their sixties and their son, who was about 30 years old. The son was a so-called hikikomori and was seldom seen outside his house. Naturally I couldn't ask the family directly but it was obvious that they had moved to the new place to escape from the social stigma.
Days had passed and the son went out less and less until he would not leave the house at all. He was now a complete hikikomori. Every night the mother was heard screaming at him in his bedroom. When I sometimes chanced to meet the mother she greeted me with a smile but she always looked pale and haggard.
A half year had passed since I last caught a glimpse of the son when his father came to me and said, "Could I ask you to visit us tomorrow?"
I had never been involved with them personally or as a doctor but since we were neighbors and neighbors were supposed to help each other, I agreed to come.
The next day when I visited them both father and mother welcomed me at the door.
"Please, come this way," the mother said as she lead the way to her son's room.
When we came to the front of the room the mother suddenly shouted, "I'm going to open the door!"
As soon as she burst in she shrieked, "Why are you still sleeping? Get up!" She tore the duvet off the bed.
I saw what was lying there and was struck dumb with disbelief. There was only one faceless, unclothed mannequin lying on the bed. Then the father told me, "The person I want you to see is my wife , who can not bear to accept the reality."
Saya adalah psikiater dan suatu hari menjumpai kasus yang membuat bulu kuduk berdiri. Suatu ketika ada sebuah keluarga yang pindah ke daerah tempat tinggalku. Umur mereka sekitar enampuluhan dan anak laki-laki mereka berusia sekitar 30-an tahun. Anak mereka bisa disebut hikikomori (bhs. jepang:orang yang jarang bergaul/antisosial) dan jarang terlihat di luar rumah. Biasanya saya tidak perduli dengan urusan keluarga lain, tapi tampaknya mereka pindah dari lingkungan terdahulu karena prasangka buruk orang
Hari-hari berlalu. Si anak makin tidak pernah keluar. Sampai-sampai tidak keluar samasekali. Dia benar-benar hikikomori. Setiap malam terdengar si Ibu berteriak pada anaknya di dalam kamarnya. Ketika aku kadang sempat bertemu dengan si Ibu, dia menyambutku dengan senyuman tetapi ia terlihat pucat dan kurus kering.
Setengah tahun berlalu sejak terakhir kali aku melihat sekilas anak itu, ketika ayahnya datang menemuiku dan berkata, "Dapatkah Anda mengunjungi kami besok?"
Saya tidak pernah terlibat dengan mereka baik sebagai pribadi maupun sebagai dokter, tetapi karena kami bertetangga dan sesama tetangga harus saling membantu, maka saya menyetujuinya.
Esoknya, ketika saya mengunjungi mereka, baik ayah maupun ibu menyambut saya di depan pintu.
"Lewat sini," kata ibu itu ketika menunjukkan jalan ke arah kamar puteranya.
Ketika kami sudah sampai di depan pintu kamarnya, ibu itu berteriak, "Kami akan membuka pintu."
Saat ibu itu bergegas masuk, ia berteriak, "Kenapa kamu masih tidur saja? Bangun!" Ia menyibak selimut.
Saya melihat apa yang berbaring disana dan terdiam karena tidak percaya. Ada wajah tanpa ekspresi, tak berpakaian dari sebuah manekin. Sang ayah mendekati saya, "Orang yang saya inginkan untuk Anda temui adalah istri saya yang tidak bisa menerima kenyataan."
*story from funsubstance.com
**picture from mirayama.tumblr.com
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