Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

The Call

Around 4:00am, there was a call at a local fire station in Pensacola, Florida. When they heard an answer they heard the screams of  many people and the sound of crackling fire. The firemen yelled in astonishment for the person to tell them their location right away. They heard not just one person using the phone but everyone they heard screaming before answering in unison "1242 Westbrooke apartment complex D"

The firefighters all rushed over and looked in astonishment as the apartment complex was completely unharmed. They took a precaution and evacuated everyone from complex. Grumpy and groggy the people living inside took their pets and children and waited outside. The firefighters did a clean run-through of the apartment.

But before the chief firefighters was about to release the waiting owners, an explosion on the lower part of the complex occurred. Flames started appearing rapidly in all of the windows and the apartment slowly began to turn to ash and cinders. Upon further inspection, they found a gas pipe had ruptured and was ignited by a water heaters flame.

The firefighters were shocked when they saw what occurred and remembered the call. When they tried to contact the number again to thank the caller, they only received the following response,"We're sorry this number no longer exists perhaps you dialed a wrong number..please hang up or try the number again...and thank you for saving them."

Jam 4 pagi, terdengar bunyi telepon di kantor pemadam kebakaran di Pensacola, Florida. Ketika mereka mengangkat telepon, mereka mendengar jeritan banyak orang dan suara gemertak api. Petugas berteriak dengan terkejut pada orang di seberang telepon agar memberitahukan alamat mereka. Mereka tidak hanya mendengar satu suara orang yang sedang menelepon tetapi banyak orang. Mereka mendengar jeritan-jeritan sebelum mendengar jawaban serentak, "Apartemen Westbrooke komplek D no 1242."

Petugas bergegas meluncur ke alamat itu dan heran melihat apartemen yang dimaksud aman-aman saja. Mereka melakukan tindakan pencegahan dan mengevakuasi semua orang dari komplek itu. Dengan marah dan terhuyung-huyung, orang-orang membawa peliharaan mereka serta anak-anak dan menunggu diluar. Petugas menyisiri seluruh apartemen untuk memastikan keadaan apartemen.

Kepala Pemadan Kebakarang hampir menyuruh orang-orang untuk kembali ke apartemen mereka, ketika terdengar suara ledakan dari bagian bawah apartemen. Api dengan cepat menjilati pintu dan apartemen perlahan-lahan menjadi debu dan arang. Melalui pemeriksaan lebih lanjut, mereka menemukan pipa gas pecah dan menimbulkan api karena ada pemanas air di dekatnya.

Para petugas terkejut ketika melihat apa yang terjadi dan ingat panggilan telepon itu. Saat mereka mencoba menghubungi nomor itu untuk mengucapkan terima kasih, mereka hanya mendengar pesan, "Maaf, nomor yang Anda tuju tidak digunakan lagi. Mungkin Anda salah menekan nomor..silakan menutup telepon Anda atau cobalah kembali dan terima kasih telah menyelamatkan mereka."

The Call Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Good Dreamer

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