Selasa, 05 September 2017

Story about Esther Hale

In the late 1830s, in a former town called Sprucevale, Ohio located along the banks of Beaver Creek, lived a young woman name Esther Hale. She had a small cottage near the Hambleton mill by the creek. Esther fell in love with a local man and was engaged to be married to him one summer afternoon.  As the wedding date came, at the ceremony Esther waited patiently for her groom to arrive.  However, after hours passed, he never showed.  After a few people went looking for him to determine where he was, it was obvious that he had fled, leaving Esther waiting at the alter.

Esther was so distraught over the loss of her love, she locked herself in her cottage bedroom.  As days went by, she did not eat, she did not remove the party settings put in place for the wedding reception, she did not even emerge from her room, and she did not change her clothes.  When people would approach her to offer her help or to encourage her to eat something, she would attack like a possessed demon.  She had gone insane.

Weeks later a passer by noticed the door to her cottage was open.  Upon investigation, Esther was found slumped over dead in her wedding dress. She had starved herself to death. Out of respect for Esther's loss, they buried her in her dress just as she was found.

The canal traffic along Beaver Creek faded and the towns along the locks died out. Sprucevale was no more.  All that remains are the walls of the old mill and some of the canal locks. And according to some, Esther remains as well.  Some refer to her as the Hambleton Mill Ghost. Many have seen her wandering along the creek still wearing her white wedding dress.  Most witnesses say they have seen her on the bridge that crosses the creek there during the anniversary of her wedding.  She seemed to be looking very withered and very sad and sometimes crying.  However, there is a legend that says she is looking for another young woman to take her place, mourning her lost lover for eternity.  They say if the ghost of Esther touches you, she will become a beautiful young woman again and you will wither and die and take her place waiting for her long lost love.

Bahasa Indonesia:
Pada akhir tahun 1830, terdapat sebuat kota bernama Sprucevale, Ohio, terletak dekat tepian muara sungai Beaver. Disana tinggal gadis muda bernama Esther Hale. Dia mempunyai gubuk kecil dekat penggilingan Hambleton, dekat dengan muara suangai. Esther jatuh cinta pada pemuda setempat dan bertunangan sebelum melangsungkan pernikahan pada sore musim panas.Di pesta pernikahan itu, Esther menunggu dengan sabar pasangannya datang. Tetapi setelah berjam-jam, pria itu tidak menunjukkan dirinya. Beberapa orang mencarinya, tetapi tak diketemukan dimana-mana, meninggalkan Esther sendirian di altar pernikahan.

Esther sangat putus asa karena kehilangan cintanya, mengunci dirinya sendiri di kamar. Dia tidak makan berhari-hari, tidak mencopot perlengkapan pesta, bahkan tidak beranjak dari kamarnya dan tidak mengganti bajunya. Saat orang-orang mendekatinya dan berusaha membujuknya agar mau makan, dia malah menyerang mereka seperti orang yang kesurupan. Dia telah menjadi gila.

Beberapa minggu, orang-orang yang lewat di depan rumahnya melihat pintu gubuknya terbuka. Setelah menyelidiki di dalam, Esther diketemukan telah meninggal dalam keadaan kurus kering. Dan dikarenakan merasa sangat kehilangan akan kematian Esther serta menghormatinya, mereka menguburkannya dalam baju pengantinnya.

Aktifitas di tepian sungai itu semakin lama semakin surut dan akhirnya sirna. Kota Sprucevale menjadi kota mati. Sisa-sisanya hanya dinding-dinding penggilingan dan beberapa saluran kanal sungai. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa tempat milik Esther Hale masih berdiri disana. Orang-orang menghubungkannya dengan hantu Penggilingan Hambleton. Rumor mengatakan bahwa Esther terlihat berjalan-jalan di tepian sungai dalam pakaian pengantinnya. Beberapa saksi mata berujar, dia terlihat di persilangan jembatan tempat pesta pernikahannya pernah diadakan, terlihat kurus kering, sangat sedih, dan kadang-kadang menangis. Legenda mengatakan, dia mencari wanita muda untuk menggantikan tempatnya, meratapi kehilangan cintanya selama-lamanya. Mereka mengatakan, jika hantu Esther menyentuhmu, dia akan menjadi wanita cantik lagi dan orang yang disentuhnya akan kurus kering dan mati.

Story about Esther Hale Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Good Dreamer

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