Jumat, 18 November 2016
Gunpowder Hill
During a period from 1946-1952, in small town in western German, the residents heard what resembled a six-gun salute on the fifteenth of March every year.Some residents made frequent trips into the surrounding hills in hopes of finding the source of the noise, but to no avail. The townsfolk eventually coined the area as "Gunpowder hill". The children of the town even created a legend about it, starting that soldiers, who in that time were missing but presumed dead, had been killed in an execution-style massacre, and were buried somewhere in the hill. The purpose of the six gun salute was to guide people to the location of the men On the fifteenth of March every year, the children would gather at the edge of town, eagerly awaiting the six gun shots to be heard.
In late 1951, the hills on the outskirts of the small German town were surveyed for the future construction of a NATO military site. The military base was to consist of a series of deep underground bunkers and weapons supplies in case a Soviet invasion occurred. In February of 1962, construction begun. Just four weeks later, the crew began digging a massive two-hundred foot deep hole for the future underground storage bunkers. It was during this time that the crew made a morbid discovery. As they neared the end of the digging operation, a human hand was seen sticking out of the bottom of the hole. Upon future examination, twenty-seven bodies were discovered at the bottom of the two-hundred foot deep hole, dressed in prisoner of war uniform worn by the allies in Nazi war camps.
A NATO officer ordered for the bodies to be exhumed immediately. As the medical team slowly carried out the bodies, they looked on in puzzlement. The bodies were remarkably well-preserved. Furthermore, the POW uniforms bore a strange insignia which was unlike any the men had been before: an orange circle with a single black dash in the middle. However, the most unsettling characteristic were the faces of the men who were exhumed. Their eyes were wide open and their mouths were sealed shut with an unknown adhesive. The bodies were then dispatched to the local morgue for immediate identification and autopsies.
That night, the local mortician began his work. However, he found it difficult to concentrate on his task. The eyes of first man he was to begin work on seemed to be staring back at the mortician from the autopsy table. He shook his head and just rationalized the sight as the imagining of his over-active mind. The mortician took his scalpel and began his first cut into the body's chest. Blood poured out of the incision with staggering force. The mortician backed away from the table in shock. The red liquid began running down the table, pooling on the floor below. The eyes of the body began watering and streaks of tears ran down its face. Soon, the eyes rolled back into the body's head and bleeding ceased. In horror, the mortician began to make his way to the door on the verge of nausea, but not before catching a glance at the twenty-six other bodies lying out on separate tables. Their eyes looked back at the doctor's with tangible fear. The men were stiill alive.
Dalam periode tahun 1946-1952, di sebuah kota kecil Jerman, penduduk disana mendengar apa yang tampaknya seperti tembakan penghormatan enam senjata pada tanggal 15 Maret setiap tahunnya. Beberapa penduduk sering berjalan-jalan di sekeliling bukit, berharap menemukan sumber suara, tapi tidak berhasil. Penduduk lambat laun menamakan daerah tersebut "Bukit Mesiu". Anak-anak di kota itu membuat sebuah legenda tentangnya, bahwa ada sekelompok serdadu yang hilang tetapi dianggap mati, telah dieksekusi dalam pembunuhan besar-besaran dan dimakamkan di sekitar bukit itu. Maksud dari enam tembakan peringatan adalah untuk memberi petunjuk orang-orang tentang lokasi kuburan mereka. Pada setiap tanggal 15 Maret, anak-anak akan berkumpul di pinggir kota, berusaha menuggu dengan tidak sabar akan suara enam tembakan senjata terdengar.
Pada akhir 1951, pinggiran kota Jerman itu disurvei untuk proyek konstruksi militer NATO di masa depan. Bagian bangunan terdiri dari bungker-bungker bawah tanah dan gudang senjata sebagai persediaan jika Soviet menyerang. Konstruksi dimulai pada Pebruari 1962. Hanya dalam waktu empat minggu, mereka sudah menggali lubang sedalam dua ratus kaki untuk bungker perbekalan. Saat itu mereka menemukan hal yang mengerikan. Sebuah tangan tampak mencuat dari bagian bawah lubang.Setelah memeriksa dengan seksama, ditemukan dua puluh tujuh badan orang dalam pakaian tahanan perang NAZI.
Seorang pejabat NATO memerintahkan agar badan-badan itu dikeluarkan dari kubuirnya. Sedangkan petugas medis membawa tubuh-tubuh itu dengan muka kebingungan. Badan-badan itu tampak seperti baru saja mati. Apalagi seragam tawanan mereka memakai lambang aneh, belum pernah mereka melihat lambang seperti itu, bulatan berwarna oranye dengan garis putus-putus hitam di tengahnya. Ini masih belum seberapa, penampakan wajah mereka membuat orang-orang tidak nyaman. Mata mereka terbuka lebar dan mulutnya ditutup oleh perekat tak dikenal. Tubuh-tubuh itu dikirim ke rumah mayat setempat agar dapat segera dilakukan otopsi.
Malam itu, petugas mayat melakukan pekerjaanya. Namun demikian mereka tidak dapat berkonsentrasi melakukan pekerjaan mereka. Mata dari tubuh pertama yang akan mereka otopsi melihat petugas-petugas itu dari meja operasi. Dia menggerakkan kepala dan wajah mereka menampakkan bahwa mereka seperti berpikir. Petugas mengambil pisau bedah dan mulai mengiris dada tubuh itu. Darah memancar dari bekas irisan dengan deras. Cairan merah mulai membasahi meja operasi dan menggenangi lantai. Mata tubuh itu berair dan mengalirkan air mata ke wajahnya. Kemudian matanya berputar ke dalam kepalanya dan pendarahan berhenti. Karena ketakutan, petugas-petugas lari menuju pintu karena merasa mual, diikuti oleh pandangan ke-26 mata dari tubuh-tubuh lain yang berada di meja operasi lainnya. Mata mereka memandang petugas-petugas itu dengan rasa ngeri. Sepertinya tubuh-tubuh itu masih hidup.
*Story by creepypasta.wikia.com
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