Kamis, 08 Desember 2016


My family and I used to go “camping” a lot when I was younger. Camping consisted of renting a cabin in the woods and spending a little time in the wilderness. So we consistently rented this cabin in Pennsylvania where we would spend long weekends, when everyone in the family had some time off.

My two brothers and I, each being in the 9-12 year old range, would always run off into the woods and bullshit about while my parents did whatever. The cabin was on a mountain. If you followed a dirt road a ways past the cabin, the forest would open and there was a large field on the top. The field was about the size of a football field.

Near the edge of the field, on the far side, was a graveyard. The grave yard was pretty small, about 20 graves, surrounded by a wrought iron fence. The fence was about 10-12 feet tall with the gothic-ish spikes on the top. The fence had a gate but it was locked with a thick, rusty chain and padlock. Being kids were able to spread the gates apart enough to squeeze through.

The small grave stones were very old and worn, I remember seeing one dated 1890 something. On top of one of the graves, just resting on it, was a smooth black stone. It looked like Onyx or something, a little smaller than a golf ball but not perfectly round. My older brother pocketed it, we dicked around a little then left. Back at the cabin, which had one bedroom (where my parents stayed) and large living room/kitchen (where we stayed), we were hanging out while my parents were sleeping in bed. It was probably about 11:30 or so at night when a loud BANG! BANG! BANG! happened at the front door (which is right in the living room.) Me and my brothers were all scared shitless, understandably too afraid to answer the door. BANG! BANG! BANG! again the door shook moments later. It sounded like someone was trying to knock it off the hinges.

My father emerged from the bedroom asking WTF was going on. BANG! the door clashed. He knew by the looks on our faces we had no idea. He grabbed a wood chopping axe we had and walked over to the door. He looked scared shitless himself. He swung the door open and there was nothing but the night. No one in sight. After hounding us for information, and us having no idea, we went back to bed. I think no one slept much, if at all that night. The next day we were back to dicking around in the woods and we again found ourselves in the old graveyard.

The smooth black stone, that my brother took, was on top of the same grave. We ran, we ran fast.

Keluargaku dan aku sering berkemah ketika aku masih muda. Berkemah adalah menyewa kabin di dalam hutan dan menghabiskan waktu di alam liar. Jadi kami sering menyewa kabin ini di Pennsylvania tempat kami menghabiskan libur akhir pekan yang panjang dan setiap anggota keluarga dapat beristirahat.

Dua saudara laki-lakiku dan aku, masing-masing berumur berkisar 9-12 tahun, selalu melarikan diri ke hutan dan tidak perduli dengan yang dikerjakan orangtuaku. Kabin itu ada di gunung. Kalau kamu mengikuti jalan berdebu dari kabin, kamu akan menemui hutan terbuka dan ada sebidang tanah luas di puncaknya. Ukuran tanahnya kira-kira seluas lapangan bola.

Pada tepi bidang tanah, pada sisi seberangnya, terdapat sebuah pemakaman. Ukurannya kecil, hanya berisi sekitar 20 makam, dikelilingi oleh pagar besi tempaan. Tinggi pagar sekitar 10-12 feet dengan gaya tombak gotik pada atasnya dengan sebuah pintu gerbang yang terkunci dengan rantai tebal, berkarat yang digembok. Tapi anak-anak dengan mudah melintasinya dengan mengerutkan sedikit tubuh.

Batu-batu nisannya sangat tua dan usang, Aku ingat membaca salah satu tanggal 1890. Pada bagian atas kubur bertengger batu hitam halus. Rupanya seperti Onyx atau apalah, lebih kecil sedikit dari bola golf tapi tidak benar-benar bulat. Kakakku mengantonginya. Kami melihat-lihat sebentar kemudian berlalu. Kabin mempunyai satu ruang tidur (ditempati orangtua) dan ruang tamu besar/dapur  (tempat kami tinggal),  kami sering berjalan-jalan saat orangtuaku tidur di kamar. Saat itu sekitar pukul 11:30 atau lebih di malam hari saat sebuah suara keras BRAK! BRAK! BRAK! terdemgar di pintu depan (tepat di depan ruang tamu). Aku dan saudaraku sangat ketakutan. BANG! BANG! BANG! pintu bergentar. Seakan-akan ada sesuatu yang menghantam engselnya.

Ayahku muncul dari kamar, bertanya apa yang terjadi. BRAK! pintu berderak. Dia tahu dari wajah kami kalau kami juga tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi. Dia meraih kapak pemotong kayu dan berjalan ke arah pintu sambil takut-takut. Dia mengayunkan pintu agar terbuka dam tidak ada sesuatu disana. Tak seorang pun terlihat. Setelah menanyai kami untuk mencari tahu apa yang terjadi dan kami tidak tahu apa-apa, kami kembali tidur. Aku rasa tidak ada yang bisa tidur nyenyak malam itu. Keesokan hari kami melihat-lihat hutan lagi dan kami bertemu dengan pemakaman itu lagi.

Batu halus hitam itu yang diambil oleh saudaraku berada di makam yang sama. Kami berlari, berlari secepat mungkin.

*Story by Efflux

Stone Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Good Dreamer

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